How To Join the Church

How to Join Our Church

At the close of each worship service, we extend an invitation to those who would like to become a member of our church. At that time, simply come to the front of the church where our pastor is waiting to receive you. There are four ways you can join our church.


By Baptism-

If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior and want to follow Him in baptism by immersion, we welcome you into our fellowship.


By Letter-

If you are a member of another Baptist church of like faith and order, we invite you to come forward during the invitation and join us by transfer of membership. We will write to your former church for your letter. This is called “joining by letter.”


By Statement-

If your membership records are not available, or you were once a Baptist, having been baptized previously in a Baptist church but have changed denomination, we will accept you by your verbal statements of these conditions.


By Baptism From Another Denomination-

If you have already received Jesus Christ as your Savior but are a member of another denomination, we invite you to join our church by baptism. This does not imply you are not a Christian, nor does it mean to discredit your previous baptism experience. Being baptized into our church shows that you agree with the basics of our belief and you desire to be a part of our family.


If you have any questions, our pastor would love to visit with you. Please let him know.